Old School returns to Durty Nellie’s October 25th

Hot off the presses, Old School returns to Durty Nellie’s October 25th from 7 to 9PM. The details can be found on the Events page.

We played at Durty Nellie’s last fall and it was a fantastic gig. It marked the beginning of a resurgence for Old School and we’re very much looking forward to another great night of rock at this incredible venue.

Following her stellar performance with us at the Mount Prospect Downtown Block Party, Meg Shanahan will join us again as a special guest on a handful of songs. You don’t want to miss it. If you go to the Gallery page, it links to our Instagram which has pics and clips from recent gigs.

We have a couple other irons in the fire for the Fall, so stay tuned for some additional announcements to come, we hope, soon.