Old School late summer update

I thought it’s time for an update so you all didn’t think Old School has disappeared. We’re still here, but have taken a month off, only having gotten together once, for drinks, and to discuss what comes next.

First, thanks to all who came out for the Mount Prospect Downtown Block Party! We had a lot of fun. Special guest Meg Shanahan knocked it out of the park. We hope to do more great events like this in the future. Check out the Gallery page, which will link you to Old School’s Instagram, to see some posts from this fantastic afternoon. You can also see some photos from the Village of Mount Prospect here. Here’s a little taste.

Sooooo…..what comes next? Nothing is set in stone yet, but we’re working on a fall date. We’ll let you know when we have something firmed up. Meantime, we’re getting together tomorrow to start working on some new things, including Pearl Jam’s Alive and Even Flow, and School of Fish’s 3 Strange Days (comment if you remember that one). There’s also talk of bringing back some of the Bad Company and Led Zeppelin that we’ve not played in a while. The Song Remains the Same is one I’ve been itching to play for some time, so hopefully it makes the cut.

That’s the news here in the land of Old School. Stay in touch, and we’ll see you soon!

One thought on “Old School late summer update

  1. Have seen Old School twice now including our Mt Prospect block party and have really enjoyed the talent and line up of tunes you don’t always hear! Signing up for alerts on upcoming events and definitely work Zeppelin back in to your set lists!

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